Your Coach
Charlotte Hanst
From a young age, 11 years old to be exact, I struggled with food. Wasting an incredible amount of energy, time, money, and effort in finding a sustainable way of managing my eating habits.
All that changed when I came across the Never Binge Again system in July 2018. Since introducing it into my own life, I have stopped binge eating and overeating, I quickly lost 20 pounds and best of all… I have kept it off and I have stopped obsessing about food and my weight completely.
Most diets fail because they don’t teach us how to manage our food urges and desires… especially when stimulated by the abundance of tempting smells, tastes and images. But with the NBA system you can…

Stop Overeating
You’ll discover how to easily dismiss your overeating and bingeing urges by using a simple trick that puts your “higher thinking self” in charge ALL food decisions…

Food Obsession Freedom
Follow these four simple rules and you can stop obsessing about food within 30 days…

End Emotional Eating
Do you eat when you’re lonely, sad, upset, happy? All of the above? With the NBA system you will discover how to sever the link between your emotions and overeating (even when those emotions are running high)…

Create Strong Motivation
Most people can just barely articulate their motivation. But we’ll help you thoroughly ground yourself in the REAL reasons you want to stop bingeing and overeating. Do it right and every overeating thought from then on will seem ridiculous!
If you struggle with binge eating, emotional eating, stress eating, or if you repeatedly managed to lose weight only to gain it all back, you may be approaching things in a way that does not work for you.
The Never Binge Again System™ is a simple and effective way to deal with the tyranny of food over your life. With a smart trick you can easily overcome your food and weight issues by learning how to organize your food related thoughts.
It does not require you to analyze your reasons for overeating, nor is it necessary to constantly exert will power. This amazing and fun system can help you:
unmask your overeating and binge-eating voice and overrule it
manage sugar, flour and other food addictions
stop binge-eating, emotional or stress eating in its tracks
stop nighttime eating
become free to focus on your other health, fitness, and life goals
get out of food prison and find freedom from food
put an end to an endless search for the non-existing Perfect Plan
be empowered to continue at the point where you normally fail
finally develop a plan that is sustainable for you
find your strongest motivation which fuels your discipline
save money, as you overcome frequent disastrous bingeing habits
become aware of what your overeating costs you, besides money.
Based on the bestselling book* by renowned US psychologist Dr. Glenn Livingston, the “Never Binge Again™” system includes specific techniques for isolating and permanently dis-empowering your “internal overeating and binge eating voice”.
* Dr. Livingston’s book has been downloaded more than 300,000 times from Amazon and currently has more than 15,000 reviews. Dr. Livingston’s previous work has been covered by The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Times and many more major media outlets.

Eliminate Binges
Binges are the secret downfall of every weight-loss plan. With the NBA system you’ll learn how to separate your “Higher Thinking Self” from your “Lizard Brain” (that part of you that gets you to eat junk even when you really don’t want to). After you have achieved separation, we will teach you a simple language trick that allows your “Higher Thinking Self” to easily control the “Lizard Brain”, without the need to analyze your reasons for overeating.
Your own food plan
Another unique aspect of the NBA system is that it allows you to lose weight on your own food plan. Whether you want to go Vegan, Vegetarian, Keto or Paleo, Nutritarian or do Intermittent Fasting is entirely up to you. The beauty of the system is that it works with any diet, that properly nourishes your body.
Immediate change
If this simple language trick resonates with you, you will be able to gain control of your overeating and binge eating. Your relationship with food will change within days and within a single month you will be amazed at the freedom you have from food and food obsession so you can enjoy life and reach your health and fitness goals.
Slim down
Once you experience complete control over binge eating and overeating you can create a food plan that allows you to lose weight and follow it without constantly relying on your willpower. This creates peace with food and eradicates the danger of slipping and ruining your diet.
is nba for you?
If your answer to two or more of the questions below is “Yes”, then the Never Binge Again system could help you immensely…
You’ve tried diet after diet with no permanent success…
You think a lot about food and/or your weight…
You feel driven to eat even when you’re not hungry (emotional overeating) …
You sometimes feel you can’t stop eating even though you’re full…
You sometimes feel guilty or ashamed of what you’ve eaten…
You behave differently with food in private than you do when you’re with other people…
You feel powerless and you think there is no use in trying once more.
You have been successful for quite some time, and swore you’d never get off track again, but life got in the way, and now you could use some help to get back on track again …
Caitlin H., Curaçao: My whole life, my mother has struggled with her weight and appearance. She didn't like the way clothes fit or how she looked in pictures. When she told me about NBA, I was hopeful that it would actually beat the battle she's been fighting her entire life. NBA has structured her 'relationship' with food, and I now respect and look up to her for her ability to reject her cravings. It has inspired me to not always buy sweets when I want to. Good job mom, I'm proud of you!
Margaret F., USA: I felt that you do really care about what you are doing. You are beautifully grounded in the present moment and you make me feel accepted and heard. I love the joy that you have in your life even after a hard day at work. You are gifted in your ability to heal others and of course you are learning the principles of NBA and teaching them to me. I thank you very much for you kind notes and for your love. I will continue this journey that we are traveling. Whatever time we have left we will at least be honoring our bodies, our health and honoring those to whom we are connected.
You have greatly expanded my view of NBA.
Much gratitude,
Konstantinos. Pullborough, UK: "Working with Charlotte is empowering and pleasant everytime! I love how she uses her experience to guide me through my own realisations and finish the session with a sense of clarity and motivation! Highly recommended! Contact her now to enjoy her multiplying expertise!"
Alan B. New Jersey, USA: With regards to the Never Binge Again program, I thoroughly enjoyed working with Charlotte Hanst. She was instrumental in coaching me into a plan of action that removed all the fear and shame and pain associated with dealing with special eating events in my life. Special events meaning dealing with issues like restaurants and parties. I highly recommend her for her coaching skills.
Achanty T., Curaçao: During the first session Charlotte makes you conscious of the power and value of discipline. By applying certain rules that benefit you, with perseverance, consistency and creativity you can break the vicious cycle of overweight. Charlotte herself is a great example of this, which gives you more motivation and determination to achieve a breaktrough.
DISCLAIMER: It would be unreasonable to assume you will get the same results as the clients on this page because of their unique situations, metabolisms, and backgrounds. Then again, it can and does happen! And with the free introductory session, wouldn’t you be risking more by not giving it a try? Hear me out please before you make up your mind, because it could very literally change your life!
Important to know:
Coaching does not resort under health care. A coach is not a psychotherapist, counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, medical practitioner, accountant or financial advisor, dietician, nutritionist or other professional practitioner. In case you have certain pathologic phenomena (physically or mentally), you should submit these to a qualified professional.
In case you are subject to medical treatment, or have been, you should seek written advice from the appropriate health care professional and make this known to your coach in writing before entering into any agreement.
Life coaching
All of our lives our thoughts and our being is being programmed by our surroundings and the people in our lives. Therefore, we have come to believe many things. Good things if you have been ‘positively programmed’ and untruths if we were ‘programmed less positive’. Fortunately we can do something about this by becoming aware of our beliefs and put them in the light of The Truth. By organizing your thoughts and replacing the thoughts that are not helping you with truth (helping thoughts), you can consciously change your thinking. Key words in this process are forgive, sent away, set free, replace, and transform. In a practical way I can help you with this process. Feel free to make an appointment.
contact me for a free exploratory session
If you are ready to take back your power, I’d love to speak with you. Please feel free to send me a message and arrange a free exploratory session, my gift to you. It will not cost you anything but about 20 minutes of your time.
You can contact me via What's App (https://wa.link/7wi7jb) or Telegram at +5999 510 4288
Please use the form below or the link: https://forms.gle/yhXDcR2Dwj8HrP2o8